Strategy and positioning of toothpaste brands

In terms of range width, the toothpaste brands can be divided into three main categories. A first one regroups brands that propose a very diversified offer including products with various thematics such as whiteness, freshness, care, profesionnal, children...The trade marks concerned, Colgate, Signal and Aquafresh, aim to cover all segments. This strategy requires major inputs to ensure the brand credibility toward the different targeted groups and an equivalent quality of each product. Doing this, these actors of the market are sometimes faced to a cannibalisation phenomenon. This is for instance the case of Signal with its products « Freshness care » and « Pure breath ».

Most brands favour a mixed startegy, that is to say they do not diversify as much as the precedent ones. In order to control their investments, they focus on the market most developed segments and they count an average number of three ranges in their portfolio. We can quote in this case brands like Fluocaril, Oral B, Vademecum, Elmex, Sensodyne or Teraxyl.

A last group of brands including Email Diamant, Sanogyl or Denivit is focusing on a single developed range. These brands are only involved on one segment and they aim to meet a specific need for teir customers.

The toothpaste market is characterized by a certain uniformity in its packaging. Indeed, there exists in this industry a « colour code » applied by all its actors, each colour representing a product characteristic. The light blue symbolizes the freshness whereas the dark blue concerns whiteness products. The white/silver is linked to cleanliness and professionalism. The pink is dedicated to the treatment of gums, the green means natural and is often flavoured with mint or chlorophyll. Finally, the bright contrasting colors are destined to children.

Apart from the colours, the packaging material is largely standardized too, the vast majority of the brands using carton. However, some exceptions should be noted. Signal also uses plastic but Teraxyl really differentiates itself from its competitors by mainly using flask.

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