Is There A Best Whitening Toothpaste?

People tend to take care of their appearance and mostly their face. The smile is what makes it all. That is why nowadays companies try to use this need and wish by offering whitening toothpastes.
Having white teeth became a must.
The question that always remains is if those toothpaste really work or if it is a waste of money.
Reality or strategy?

Companies use different kind of ads to attract people and make them believe that they can have white teeth.
It is a whole advertising strategy.
Companies that develop this kind of toothpastes promise a bright smile and white teeth but researches indicate that these whitening products are more damaging than something else.

MailOnline recently got a step further by testing six popular toothpastes, by asking several volunteers to brush their teeth with each toothpaste. 
>> BlanX Intense Stain Removal
>> Arm & Hammer Advanced Whitening Toothpaste
>> Oral B 3D White Enamel Protect
>> Beverly Hills Natural Whitening Expert
>> SwissDent Xtreme Whitening Toothpaste
>> Rembrandt Complete Whitening Mint
Unfortunately, all six brands of whitening toothpastes failed.
Companies play with the consumers feelings, since they trust them with their products. This may cause some disappointments but people should not be that surprised. 
According to MailOnline, Oral B admits after having done a clinical trial, that its products will not necessarily have a positive effect, and maybe also darken ever more the teeth.
Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) even asked Arm & Hammer to calm down on their advertising campaign since it goes too far and does not at all represent the results of the whitening toothpaste.
To conclude, people will not ever get a brighter and whiter smile from only a whitening toothpaste on the contrary those toothpaste may endanger a human's dental care. The most secure way of assuring itself to whiten the teeth is to go directly to a dentist, who knows exactly what to do. Instead of wasting money on different kind of whitening toothpaste, it will be more efficient to spend that money at a dentist.


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