Differentiating criterion in the toothpaste market.

When a customer has to chose between several toothpastes, his choice is determined by a lot of different factors.
First, his age. It's obvious, if he is free to choose, a child would not buy the same toothpaste than an adult. Brands know it and that's why they offer dedicated package for each type of customer.

A basic adult toothpaste
A child toothpaste

Toothpastes dedicated to child are generally colorful and really appealing, but the package of an adult toothpaste is really basic. There is also different tastes, child's toothpaste tends to be strawberry flavoured, for the adults it's often mint. 


Brands also offer different toothpastes according to your genre, there are toothpastes for woman designed for woman, and toothpastes designed for man. Over the last years, only packages were different, but Signal recently launched a specific toothpaste with a special recipe for men. 

There is also a difference in the way brands advertise their products. For a basic toothpaste, the ad will show a beautiful man/woman with the brightest smile you have ever seen. There is clearly a sexual innuendo. If you have a bright smile, you will be more beautiful and it will be easier for you to charm people. For a therapeutical toothpaste, the ad will be more scientific, with dentists and people in white coat explaining why this toothpaste is revolutionary.

A man ad
A toothpaste ad with Shakira

A therapeutical ad

Of course, as any mass market products, there are different toothpastes according to your socio-professional category. The more you are willing to pay for your toothpaste, the more benefits it will provide. 

Oral-B SmartSeries Bluetooth Toothbrush

Toothbrushes are getting smarter!

Even though it is not the first connected toothbrush on the market, like Kolibree and Grush, which use games to attract kids, Oral B is the first to really target adults and is more precise and serious about a humans dental care.
Oral B SmartSeries cost around $160 and is today available in Europe and in the USA. The toothbrush connects to any smartphone thanks to a specific Oral B app and gives you the opportunity to manage your brushing through the app.
Once the Oral-B app launched, a watch appears on the screen counting down two minutes and tells you every 30 second to change the mouth corner. It even indicates you which part to brush.  

Indeed, the toothbrush cannot really know if you are brushing the right part but it can judge the pressure. The toothbrush has a sensitivity sensor, which tells you if you are brushing your teeth too hard or too soft.
The Oral B app offers various information and option. It tells you everything about the way you should brush your teeth and how to take care about your mouth. You can also program your dentist informations and visits.
Companies, above all Procter & Gamble announced future, newer and cheaper Bluetooth brushes with more features, by adding other sensors... Kolibree for example has already a sensor, which tells you what part of your mouth needs to be taken more care of. So, the competition is tight and companies are looking for more innovations to break through.
For now, people who cannot afford a $160 Bluetooth brush, can manually use the Oral B app with any Oral B electric toothbrush to get an idea of the system. 


Is There A Best Whitening Toothpaste?

People tend to take care of their appearance and mostly their face. The smile is what makes it all. That is why nowadays companies try to use this need and wish by offering whitening toothpastes.
Having white teeth became a must.
The question that always remains is if those toothpaste really work or if it is a waste of money.
Reality or strategy?

Companies use different kind of ads to attract people and make them believe that they can have white teeth.
It is a whole advertising strategy.
Companies that develop this kind of toothpastes promise a bright smile and white teeth but researches indicate that these whitening products are more damaging than something else.

MailOnline recently got a step further by testing six popular toothpastes, by asking several volunteers to brush their teeth with each toothpaste. 
>> BlanX Intense Stain Removal
>> Arm & Hammer Advanced Whitening Toothpaste
>> Oral B 3D White Enamel Protect
>> Beverly Hills Natural Whitening Expert
>> SwissDent Xtreme Whitening Toothpaste
>> Rembrandt Complete Whitening Mint
Unfortunately, all six brands of whitening toothpastes failed.
Companies play with the consumers feelings, since they trust them with their products. This may cause some disappointments but people should not be that surprised. 
According to MailOnline, Oral B admits after having done a clinical trial, that its products will not necessarily have a positive effect, and maybe also darken ever more the teeth.
Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) even asked Arm & Hammer to calm down on their advertising campaign since it goes too far and does not at all represent the results of the whitening toothpaste.
To conclude, people will not ever get a brighter and whiter smile from only a whitening toothpaste on the contrary those toothpaste may endanger a human's dental care. The most secure way of assuring itself to whiten the teeth is to go directly to a dentist, who knows exactly what to do. Instead of wasting money on different kind of whitening toothpaste, it will be more efficient to spend that money at a dentist.


New Way To Rinse Revealed

Dr. Maddahi Launches Oral Essentials™ Mouthwash

Dr. Maddahi, one of the best renowned dentists in the world, found a way to create a saltwater mouthwash that won’t be damaging for a human’s dental care anymore.
He found the perfect balance between scientific and natural ingredients that are safe for a mouth’s care.

"With Oral Essentials, I've opted to simply fuse the best of both the natural and science-based worlds to create a product that is safe, responsible, and of course, highly effective," says Dr. Maddahi.

Even though most of the scientific ingredients cause problems either on the mouth itself, on teeth or on the gum, some are still important since they prevent dental problems. This explains why Dr. Maddahi chose Xylitol along nature derived ingredients for his new product. Xylitol is currently seen as the best sweetener for teeth, not to mention that it is the best way to avoid caries.

"Dead Sea Salt, in conjunction with plant-based ingredients, like Aloe Vera, and other essential oils, are potent solutions to oral and general body care, while the addition of Xylitol, not only makes the product extremely palatable, but also a viable solution in the fight against dental decay," he said.

Thus as we can see, Oral Essentials™ is the result of a perfect mix of science and nature. It is healthy for a mouth and avoids negative effects of scientific ingredients, which today are still used on the competition’s mouthwashes.

Oral Essentials™ is therefore beating the mouthwash competition on any market.

“Gargling never looked so good.”


Oral care market and cosmetics: an increasingly obvious link.

The oral and dental hygiene market is doing well thanks to the vitality of its brands. Indeed, the integrality of its segments records an increase in terms of value for the first trimester of 2014. But whereas the average increase is about 10 %, the segment of whiteness exceeds a 30 % growth rate. This last one is the symbol of the incremental movement of hygiene towards cosmetic, as evidenced by the price difference between a whiteness product and a basic one (respectively 2.60 € and 1.40 € in 2013). To promote this kind of products, the brands use the traditional beauty codes that is to say mostly a modern and glamorous positioning. An other sign showing that beauty is more and more important in the oral and dental hygiene market is the new propensity of some brands to hire famous ambassadors, such as Oral-B with Shakira and Colgate with Karine Ferri. Nicolas Brizard, oral care responsible for Henkel, summarizes : « The toothpaste becomes a beauty accessory to display a bright smile. »

The sales of mouthwash are increasing each year and reach a 15.6 % growth rateat the end of March 2014. This trend is likely to last for some years at least, gien the fact that the involved brands attach considerable importance to this sector in their startegy. But this trend is also part of the « cosmetization » phenomena. Indeed, a majority of mouthwash consumers admit that the main reason of their purchase is the resulting breath rather than its curative effects.

Signal vs Oral-B

In this article, I’ll talk about Signal’s strategy on the toothpaste market.

Until recently, Signal, which belongs to Unilever, was the undisputed leader of the French oral care market. But since last year, Signal has to fight against Oral-B and the financial strength of Procter and Gamble. To conquer the growing oral care market Oral-B strategy was simple, a lot of different reference (22 exactly in 2013) supported by a huge marketing budget of 30 million euros.  Because of Oral-B, Signal had to increase its advertising budget by 50% to reach 37 million euros.
You have probably seen the Oral-B ad, with the famous Mac Lesggy. It represents the importance for the brands to have a scientific guarantee. Oral-B representative visits to dental office were multiplied by three last year, and they give more than 12 million free samples.  Signal prefers sending free sample on request and is also present at school; they give, each year, oral care kits to school teachers. To give a glamorous aspect to toothpaste, Oral-B has hired Shakira, an extremely popular singer, to represent whitening toothpaste. Oral-B is aware of the fact that toothpaste is now almost a beauty product and no more a hygiene one.

Both brands communicate on their “miraculous” remedy. For signal, it’s micro-granules, while for Oral-B it’s tin ion. The brands can offer toothpaste with ten different actions, and it obviously affects the price –in a good way for the company, but in a bad way for us, customers-.

A star smile for toothpaste ad

Advertising is primarily intended to make known a product to the general public and so do promotion for it to be purchased by consumers. To convince consumers of the need for the purchase of this product, advertisers must be creative and relevant evidence. This is why celebrities are used extensively by advertisers to convince consumers of the product quality.

Advertising in the field of toothpastes is also affected by this phenomenon. The pop stars and TV presenters lend their beautiful smiles to promote major brands of toothpaste.

The pop star Shakira now ready smile for 3D white line of the Oral-B brand.
Sexy, glamorous, close to people, with a healthy smile, Ambassador beauty of this new line was all found: the singer Shakira. The campaign is relayed on television, in print, on the Internet and in-store events.

The phrase "have a Colgate smile" she not only takes on its full meaning when we see Karine Ferri? If it was not already the case, so now yes. The famous brand of toothpaste is associated with the image of the bomb "The Voice" for exploding collaboration. Bright smile and sex appeal to an ambassador of choices is offered Colgate.
The time when we complained about the toothpaste commercials that seemed all the same seems to be over. Colgate brings excitement to its brand by choosing a charming ambassador.

As Shakira, and Karine Ferri, the presenter of the channel M6, Stephane Rotenberg lends his image to a toothpaste brand and becomes the new image of the Colgate brand. And obviously, it is rather proud to have been chosen as one can read in the press release of the brand: "One knows me to launch ambitious challenges, such as in the kitchen at the other end of the world, I wanted to put this image in the service of a cause that concerns us all. through the Challenge campaign Zero Caria, my goal is to raise awareness of the importance of good oral health. "

As with most brands of luxuries, the stars have also made a place in advertisements for goods of current consumption such as coffee or toothpaste. These stars can be very expensive for brands but want accretive thereafter. such as the star George Clooney with his famous "What else? ', multiplying more than two sales of coffee pods. A contract that would have brought George Clooney nearly 25 million.

The use of "celebrity marketing" therefore covers many benefits for the sign. It allows any brand of a positive image, to benefit from the emotional power many stars on consumers.

Competition in the toothpaste market in supermarket

Two groups share the market oral hygiene. Unilever is leading the market in front of Procter & Gamble on the global market. But Unilever is already everywhere in toothpastes supermarket rays including its SIGNAL brand, while its competitor launched there is only two years, in January 2013, its first product for the GMS: Oral-B Pro-Expert.

P & G group, which was already present in pharmacy with Fluocaril, but proposed nothing on sale in supermarkets. This is the biggest launch of the last decade for P & G in France because the group had to obtain a strong brand of toothpaste in supermarkets.

So the adventure started, as a brand extension. Oral-B, French and world leader in electric toothbrushes, has attacked with very ambitious goal and means the toothpaste segment in supermarkets with first franchise, Oral-B Pro-Expert.

Oral-B White luxe

Moreover, it is a very competitive market, Oral-B does succeed his bet to eventually become the leader of the oral hygiene in France? Perhaps, but in the meantime, competition is tough. And innovation constantly improves the market.

Just after the launch of Oral-B, Unilever has unsheathed with a new version of White Now, White Now Gold. For its part, Colgate introduced its brand drugstore Elmex in supermarkets, while also focusing on white with MaxWhite One Luminous. Aquafresh (GSK group) was quick to respond with High Definition White.
But whiteness is not the only area of ​​development. Therapeutic toothpastes are also increasing, actors supermarkets wanting to target consumers in the drugstore: Colgate Total Pro, Vademecum (Henkel) ... And “the bio” also happens in GMS (Biopha Nature).

But the biggest surprise came from the leader. In late January, Unilever announced the launch of Signal White Now Men, which is positioned as the first male toothpaste (cf. the Louis-Adrien Suraud article)

Toothpaste, soap: Beware antibacterial during pregnancy !

   Toothpaste, soap: Beware antibacterial during pregnancy !

Regularly pointed to by researchers, this component present in many hygiene products is suspected to be responsible for multiple diseases. These antibacterial could reduce the size of birth newborns. These chemical compounds are present in the majority of personal care products, like soaps, toothpaste or detergents.

The study showed that 95% of women were exposed to these substances but at different doses.
Maternal exposure to triclosan was measured from a single sample of urine per study participant. The level of exposure to benzene has been associated with a slowdown in the growth of head circumference from the second trimester of pregnancy.

Contained nearly 2000 products from everyday life, these substances are suspected to play a role in causing cancer, reproductive disorders, heart problems, reduced birth size newborn or antibiotic resistance, as several previous studies.

"But we must be very cautious about the interpretation" warned Rémy Slama, the scientist who coordinated the study, stressing that this is one of the first studies examining the impact of "environmental contaminants" growth of the child during and after pregnancy.

US health authorities have asked in December 2013 to manufacturers of soaps and toothpaste containing antibacterial chemicals to demonstrate that their products used daily by millions of Americans are really effective and harmless to health. Under the new proposed by the US Agency for Food and Drug Administration (FDA) rules, manufacturers who fail to meet these demands will change the formula of their antibacterial or labeling in order to stay on the market.

